Saturday, January 17, 2009
Today is the day that i created a blogspot. All thanks to Chen Si Qi. At first i don know wat blog is. The reason why my blog web name is romanceratschool is becuz of someone in school. As it is very obvious that it is actually romance at school(A r behind romance)
More abt myself
I loved playing psp and the ame i am currently playing and my favourite game i played is Final Fantasy-Dissidia. It is all in Japanese Language.I passed all except the final stage. It was hard.
Everyone in my class know who the heck is Heng Lily. She is the girl which i am talking abt. For more info, ask Si Qi. I told her everything. The quote is usually An Apple A Day Keeps The Docto Away, but mine is A Romance A Day Keep My Results Away. And my best frens in class but be Timothy,Vincent Yong,Sherman,Xingzhu,Alvis And Aaron. The NIckname of my group is The Four Brothers. This includes Xingzhu,Alvis,Aaron and me. Anothen group is The Laughter 3. This includes Timothy,Vincent Yong and me.1 more is The Bored 2. This includes Me and Sherman. Everyone in the class hates Sherman and they say he is a CAG. Ask my frens if dunno the meaning.
3:21 PM